Project: Toybox!

If you follow my Ravelry feed, you may have noticed that I've been crocheting up a storm lately (that's right, I said CROCHET!). I've taken it upon myself to add some amigurumi darlings to our toybox full of undersea creatures:

Those of you who have come by the shop with tiny humans in tow know that we've had a secret little box filled with undersea creatures since we opened - mostly hyperbolic crochet forms (which we have called "sea anemones"), plus a starfish, a giant sea snake, and a few other lovely contributions. The box recently got an upgrade, thanks to a marvelous customer's husband who is quite a talented woodworker.

So I've put myself to work making the contents of the toybox as fantastic as the container itself. To this end, I have gathered a box filled with wooly bits, leftover string, and fluff, and would LOVE if any of you would be willing to help me crochet or knit some aquatic life for the toybox!

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