Useless no more!

- drill with teeny drill bit
- ornament hangers (twist ties would work, but I have a ton of these and they're not useful for other things, whereas twist ties are)
- small, thin boards (2 per shelf, 4 boards total; mine are 3" wide and maybe 1/4" thick - they came in 2ft length, so I had the chap at the hardware store cut them to 16", so they stick out 1/4" or so on each side)

As with the camera scaffolding (which was made of leftover wood from this project), I drilled two small holes in each end of each board, and then used the bendy ornament hangers as twist ties, so that the boards do not slide out of place each time I move my shoes.

It lives next to my front door with a lidded crate on top of it. The crate is where I pour the mail once I've read it; anything that needs to be shredded or filed lives there, and about once a month I go through the bin and take care of its contents.
I am tickled pink with the results. Simple. Stylish. Funky. And it holds six whole pair of shoes!
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