Pattern: Joule Pullover by Mercedes Tarasovich-Clark
Yarn: Skacel Urban Silk, colour 07 periwinkle
Ravelry project page
Pattern modifications:
Due to yarn shortage, made 2 “back” pieces to conserve yarn. I thought about knitting it in the round, but I opted to make it in pieces to stabilize the garment, since silk has such a tendency to grow/stretch over time. Used almost every speck of the 7 skeins I had - just 10 grams leftover!
Completed neck edging in the round (7 rounds of st st) after seaming shoulders.
Notes about this pattern:
This pattern has an astonishing lack of information about how to go about placing shaping and seaming the pieces together - particularly how the sleeves go into the arm openings. I had to sew the sleeves on THREE TIMES to get it right. I ended up having the sleeves end at the corner where sleeve opening BO meets sleeve opening decreases, and this seems to best match the images in the magazine.

For a pattern that is supposed to be "easy" it seemed to assume the knitter has a rather advanced skill level. Lucky for me, I do.
In spite of the process being a bit of a nuisance, I LOVE the finished piece. I think I will wear it A LOT.
I appreciate your notes about this! I'm a fairly new knitter (remember me from classes at CK this past spring?) and was thinking this top may be my next project... I've done 2 sleeveless tops but haven't attempted sleeves yet! So I'm glad for the head's up that the sleeves might be a pain.