I can't believe it, but we've made it a WHOLE YEAR. July 5th is the anniversary of our opening, and we will be celebrating with a HUGE SALE all weekend, more new and exciting classes than ever before, and other fun surprises.
I owe you all a huge thanks, for being so wonderful and dedicated, and for making Clever Knits the kind of place I dreamed it would be. We have built a wonderful little community, and I am so grateful for all of the things I've learned and the friends I've made - and I could never have imagined it would be as awesome as it is. THANK YOU, all of you.
Contents of this message:
1. ANNIVERSARY SALE - Saturday through Tuesday, July 3, 4, 5, 6.
2. Surprises! - TWO special surprises for the Anniversary Sale!
3. Stitch 'N' Pitch - Tickets now available! $16 per ticket, game is Sun, July 19th.
4. Classes Galore! - Crochet Socks, Summer Shrug, & more!
1. ANNIVERSARY SALE - Sat July 3 through Tues July 6
Kids, I'm in shock. This must be how parents feel when their babies reach that first birthday. My yarn baby is a whole year old! And I'm celebrating with a stupidly ridiculous awesome BOGO sale.
EVERYTHING in the store is Buy-One-Get-One-50%-off. Yarn. Needles. Notions. Patterns. Books. Buy ANY one item, and get ANY 2nd item (of equal or lesser value) for 50% off. Crazy, no? The only items NOT eligible for this discount are clearance items (which will all be 50% for the sale, so that's a crazy discount anyway), and Oink Pigments sock yarns, hand-dyed by our own Lexi Jade.
Sale starts Saturday at noon and ends Tuesday night at 10pm. We'll be holding our regular hours during the sale, 12-7pm Sat/Sun, 12-6pm Mon, and 12-10pm Tues.
Knitnight on July 6th will be a special party with birthday cake! And presents! Presents for YOU - extra fun giveaway prizes, and everyone who is there at knitnight is eligible to win. You'll definitely want to be there (and bring a chair - it *will* be crowded)!
2. Surprises! - TWO very special surprises for the Anniversary!
Think the sale sounds awesome? IT GETS EVEN BETTER. Remember that special surprise I mentioned? Yeah, it's pretty special. And there are two of them.
FIRST SURPRISE: Lexi has designed a very special, limited-edition, hand-dyed Oink Pigments colourway JUST FOR CLEVER KNITS. This one will ONLY be available during the anniversary sale, and she's only making 20 skeins of it, EVER. What will it look like? Well, that's the surprise. It will be unveiled ON THE ACTUAL ANNIVERSARY, Monday, July 5th. Again, this won't be eligible for any discounts, and we're limiting y'all to 1 skein per person, cos it's ultra special.
SECOND SURPRISE:This is the one I've had up my sleeve for a couple of weeks now, and I'm just giddy with anticipation! If you spend at least $100 on any day during the sale, you'll also get FOR FREE one of our brand new amazing awesome limited edition Clever Knits project bags! These are the EXACT SAME organic cotton, drawstring bags that Ravelry uses for their project bags, but better, because with these, you can show your support for your favourite LYS. Bags come in 2 different colours to match the paint on our walls (you'll get your choice of which colour, until we run out of one), and we have a limited number of these so they will go FAST. During the anniversary weekend, they will ONLY be available with your $100 purchase, and are limited to one per customer. If there are any leftover after the sale, we will offer them for sale for the same low price as Ravelry ($9 each), but without shipping costs, yay!

3. Stitch 'N' Pitch - Sunday, July 18th, 1:05pm, $16
Baseball + Knitting = SuperFunTime, especially when you get to sit with all your Clever Knits pals! Our Padres will play the Arizona Diamondbacks, and we'll be up in the nosebleeds with a bunch of other rowdy knitterly folks. Refs beware, we have sharp sticks!
Tickets are $16 each, and your knitcomplices are more than welcome to join you. We will be arranging group transit -- carpools and/or coaster rides -- so let us know if you're interested in riding together as well as watching the game together.
We are now collecting money for the tickets, which will be available to pick up during the week leading up to the game. So come in soon to get yours!
4. Classes in July
Summer Shrug
taught by Lexi
$24 plus materials for both 2hr sessions ($36 if materials are purchased elsewhere)
Thursdays July 8th and 15th 4-6pm
Crochet Socks
taught by Sarah Kukuchek
$56 for four 2hr sessions ($78 if yarn is purchased elsewhere)
Held on four Saturdays from 2-4pm:
July 17th: Intro to crochet socks, casting on, beginning the sock
July 24th: Gusset and heel turn
July 31st: Finishing
August 7th: Additional questions, 2nd sock help
July 24th: Gusset and heel turn
July 31st: Finishing
August 7th: Additional questions, 2nd sock help
Blocking Workshop
taught by Helena
$24 plus materials; bring: Completed shawl, Blocking wires, Blocking mats, T-pins
date TBA - class will be rescheduled for July, still a few seats remaining!
Knit 101 - Saturday, July 10th, 4-6pm
Crochet 101 - Sunday, July 25, 4-6pm
Warm (& sweatery) regards,
Helena (& Karen, & Lexi)
Clever Knits
214 S. Indiana Ave, Vista CA 92084
Sat & Sun 12-7pm
Mon, Wed, & Thurs 12-6pm
Tues 12-10pm
Fri 12-8pm
FREE social knitting events:
Tues 6-10pm, Fri 5-8pm, Sun 1-4pm
phone: 760.806.6744
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